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CONTENTS № 25 (ІI) / 2013 |
Problems of providing economic security of an enterprise have been caused by new economic conditions and require further research. Research of economic security of enterprises in different industries has its specific features. There is very little research of planning of economic security of brewing enterprises. |
Administrative decision is a central part of the management cycle. Quality is one of the characteristics of administrative decisions. Quality of an administrative decision affects final results of management activities of enterprises. Assessment of its level is prerequisite for ensuring a certain level of quality of administrative decisions. |
Ecologization is proposed to be understood as the process of implantation of technological, managerial and legislative methods that allow to provide the creating the necessary production of the sufficient quality and in the right quantity while increasing the effectiveness of usage the natural resources and decreasing the anthropogenic pressure on the external environment. Ecologization as the process in the enterprise activity has result as the conditions of the process at the specific moment of time and some indicators. This fact allows to formulate the complex task: it is necessary to evaluate (or to describe) the result of ecologization and passing the process of ecologization. The first part of this task requires to define the aggregate of indicators that characterize the result of ecologization. |
Analysis of approaches to create the mechanism of providing the competitiveness of entrepreneurial activity. |
Any system has homeostatic nature, which allows to describe properties of efficiency and regularity by a set of basic in-out parameters and their adaptive-homeostatic indexes. However, determination of adaptive-homeostatic indexes of the normal system functioning, explanation of laws of maintenance of the systems and expedient and optimal self-government and management have remained, so far, the issue of numerous discussions and researches. |
In order to ensure sustainable development of industrial enterprise it is necessary to create environmental management instruments, which are part of an environmental information system and must operate within the environmental management system. Therefore, it is important to identify all the components of the process of forming of environmental management instruments of industrial enterprise through its formalization. |
Increased investment processes of small and medium businesses requires a detailed and comprehensive study of the economic risks under the new paradigm of management of economic security. |
The successful functioning of enterprises in modern conditions is determined by a number of factors which include the anticipatory management designed to proceed from objective reality, to provide an adequate response to external changes. In such circumstances, timely information about the possibility of a certain kind, its threat to the enterprise becomes the determining factor, a prerequisite for timely response entity to such threats. |
Global inequality arises under the influence of various interrelated dynamic forces. The article deals with innovations as one of such forces. Issues of influence of innovations on social and economic inequality in modern society have been dwelt on. |
Modern state of socio-economic processes determines the need for a detailed study of the innovation processes. Innovation and innovative labor in particular – basic categories of modernity. Innovative labor in the context of the life cycle of innovation should be studied. |
Modern realities demand ensuring economic security of the enterprises on a system basis, with creation of system of economic security of the enterprise. Definition of a scientific position and classification signs of concept "system of economic security of the enterprise" according to theories of systems seems the important scientific task which performance will allow to order properly components of this system, to determine consistent patterns and the principles of their interaction. |
Allocation and the description of the procedural principles of management in such system has to become an important point of studying of properties of system of economic security of the enterprise. Right establishment and the description of such principles allows to carry out intrinsic transitions between different models of representation of system for fuller understanding of its essence. |
The topicality of problems of higher schools economic security is confirmed by the significant difficulties in the higher schools activity in the last decades. Such difficulties led to loss the sustainability by domestic higher schools, complication of activity conditions for domestic higher schools, increasing the competitiveness among them, increasing the demands of students, fast changes on labor market, strengthening the tendency of higher schools commercialization, their transformations to economic corporations. |
Ukrainian economy is now in the process of serious transformations. In many ways, the problem of formation of Ukrainian economy is associated with inefficient use of scientific and technological potential, human capital, material and non-material resources, professional culture and other constituents. Innovative aspects and their implementation in the management processes of formation of a new model of regional governance in Ukraine have significant impact on the effectiveness of social and economic development. |
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MESTE Faculty of Business and Industrial Management, Belgrade, Serbia
Management and Economic Security Department, Volodymyr
Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Luhansk)
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