Shehda А. V., Onisenko Т. S.
Innovations and social and economic inequality
Taran-Lala E. N.
Adaptive-homeostatic indexes of normal system
Klunko N. S.
Problem of adaptation of the companies of steel
industry to modern market environment
Kaliuzhnyi V. V.
Society demands for new innovation products
Vakhlakova V. V.
The indicators of activity ecologization for an
industrial enterprise
Ilchuk P. H.
Generalization and classification of theories of
internationalization of enterprises
Kozarezenko L. V.
Usage of sovereign wealth accumulation funds for
increasing the level of human potential development
Mann R. V.
Innovative aspects in the formation of a new model of
regional government in Ukraine
Fedorova V. G.
Cluster approach to organization of industrial
cooperation and possible options within the region
Dyakiv O. Ya.
Creative and innovative activity as a key factor in
enterprise development
Kovalenko N. V., Mova O. V.
Theoretical aspects of the corporate culture and its
impact on the Ukrainian enterprises labour potential
Vysochina M. V.
Development of methodological approach to evaluation
of the quality of administrative decision making
Fedorova O. V., Leiko C. A.
The tools of creation an enterprise strategy
Shcherbatiuk А. I.
Innovative labor in the life cycle innovation
Shekhovtsova K. V.
Instruments of research of reaction of enterprise are
on avalanche-type processes
Trunina I. M.
The mechanism of providing the competitiveness of
entrepreneurial activity: approaches to create
Gavrilenko V. А., Bychkova O. V.
Accounting in coal-mining enterprise ecological
activity: complex approach to production
Svyatokho N. V.
Formalization of the process of forming the
environmental management instruments of industrial enterprises
Biryukov O. V.
Innovative and innovative-active enterprises: common
and differing features
Gubarev V. V.
Features, problems and prospects of formation of real
property management in Ukraine
Gunchenko O. N., Vyshnevskyi D. A., Bykova Yu. S.
Definition of restrictions when you run theoretical
studies by valuation of production risk
Martynyuk V. P.
Economic security of higher schools in Ukraine:
premises of evaluation
Skrypko T. A., Vasyltsiv T. H.
Economic risks and threats investment and innovation
activity of the subject small and medium enterprise
Ovcharenko Ye.I.
Purposefulness vs expediency pragmatics in management
in system of economic security of the enterprise
Yermolaiev P. V.
Technology of planning of economic security of brewing
Khrystenko L. M.
Problematic issues in cost management of economic
security of enterprises
Antonian О. A.
Unstructured information in the information-analytical
support of the system of business economic security
Chorna O. Yu.
Ensuring economic security of enterprises of food
Ovcharenko Ye. I., Illyashenko S. V.
Theoretical bases of systemacity in the sphere of
economic security of the enterprise
Burda I. Ya.
Personnel security of publishing-polygraphic
enterprises: formation of personnel potential
Adamenko T. M.
Enterprise economic
security systems: approaches of formation
Lyashenko A., Kryl Ya.
Personnel security in the system of economic security
of enterprise