Collection of Research Papers
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Collection of Research Papers "Economy. Management. Entrepreneurship” has been published since 2000.
Publisher: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Frequency: 2 times a year
According to the resolution of Presidium of Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine of 16.12.2009 № 1-05/6 the Collection of Research Papers "Economy. Management. Entrepreneurship” passed registration and entered on a List of Special publication, in which the results of dissertation papers for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences in the field of economical sciences should be published.
The Collection of Research Papers of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University "Economy. Management. Entrepreneurship” is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Registration certificate of printed means of mass media Collection of Research Papers of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University "Economy. Management. Entrepreneurship” is the series KV № 15363-3935 P of 05.06.2009.
The aim of the publication is review of important issues and practices in economy, management, entrepreneurship, economic security and education; introduction of academic community to new methods and approaches of Ukrainian and foreign researchers to identification of problems and tools of their solution basing on fundamental and applied research; indoctrination with new concepts, trends, theories and aspects of their application.
Publication of future-oriented research in fundamental science, examples of experimental application in economy, management, entrepreneurship, economic security and education.
Exchange of ideas, views and approaches to identification and solution of problems; research in economy, management, entrepreneurship, economic safety and education.
Exchange of methods, models, and mechanisms; solution of scientific and practical problems in economy, management, entrepreneurship, economic security and education.
Provision of information venue for disputes and discussions of new trends in economy, management and economic security of the enterprise; publication of references for monographs and scientific publications on important issues in economy, management, entrepreneurship, economic security and education.
Information about academic and research conferences; published and being prepared for publication monographs, textbooks and teaching guides.
Promotion of cooperation in research in economy, management, entrepreneurship, economic security and education among Ukrainian and foreign research workers.
List of obligatory deliveries
of the Collection of Research Papers "Economy. Management. Entrepreneurship”
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Адреса |
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01601 Kyiv, 2 Prorizna Str. State Committee for television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine |
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02660 Kyiv, 27 Y. Gagarin avenue Book Chamber of Ukraine |
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91000 Lugansk, 78 Sovetskaya Str. Lugansk Regional Universal Scientific Library named afrer Maxim Gorky |
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01601 Kyiv, 1 Grushevskiy Str. National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine |
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01601 Kyiv, 3 40 years of October Avenue, National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadskiy |
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03680, Kyiv-150, 180 Antonovych Str. State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine |
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91037 Lugansk, 3а Heroes of the Great Patriotic War square, Administration of Press and Information Luhansk Regional State Administration |
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79000 Lviv, 2 Stefanik Str. Lviv National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientific Library of Ukraine |
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65026 Odessa, 13 Paster Str. Odessa State Scientific Library named after M. Gorkiy |
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61033 Kharkiv, 18 Korolenko lane Kharkiv State Scientific library named after V.I. Korolenko |
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01025 Kyiv, 10 Rylskiy lane Ministry of Justice of Ukraine |
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49700 Dnepropetrovsk-10, 2, Lazarian St. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan |
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01017 Kyiv, 64 Volodymirska Str. Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University |
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04070 Kyiv, 2 Skovoroda Str. National University "Kyiv Mohyla Academy” |
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03056 Kyiv, 54/1 Peremoga Avenue, Kyiv National University of Economics |
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02156 Kyiv, 19 Kioto Str. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics |
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79000 Lviv, 1 University Str. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
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01011 Kyiv, 26 Panas Myrny Str. National Academy of Management |
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79046 Lviv, 12 Stephan Bandera Str. National University "Lviv Polytechnics” |
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65026 Odessa, 2 Dvoryansky Str. Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University |
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95007 Simpheropol, 4 Yaltinska Str. Tavriya National University named after V.I. Vernadsky |
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61077 Kharkiv, 4 Svoboda square, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University |
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83055 Donetsk, 24 Universitetska Str. Donetsk National University |