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Main » Articles » Articles » Articles № 25 (I) / 2013


UDC 338.24


E. Rudnichenko




The article dwells on the approaches to the definition of "threat", "risk", "danger". Major incentive for building a system of economic security is uncertainty which is an attribute of economic reality and the source of such categories as "threat", "risk" and "danger". Approaches of known scholars to the relationship and consistency of these concepts have been analyzed. According to the author’s interpretation danger is objectively existing reality that can disrupt the equilibrium of subjects and lead to negative consequences; threat is a consequence of danger as a factor of potentially negative impact; risk is an objective-subjective category which is associated with some degree of uncertainty due to the outcome of the decision (actions and / or circumstances). It has also been emphasized that under the impact of threats and risks the company is forced to constantly learn and improve its defense mechanisms.

Keywords: threats, risks, dangers, relationship, economic security, enterprise.


Information about the authors:


Rudnichenko E.Candidate of science (economics), assistant professor, Management Department, Khmelnytskyi  National University, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.





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Category: Articles № 25 (I) / 2013 | Added by: EME (30.05.2013) | Author: E. Rudnichenko
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