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Ilchuk P. H.




Introduction: Importance of research of theories of internationalization of enterprises is determined by the need to improve theoretical and applied principles of business management in relation to a steady increase of the level of internationalization of their activities, and the need to take into account new factors whose influence is manifested in the internationalization of enterprises. Aims and Objectives: Clarifying the category "internationalization of enterprises", synthesis and classification of theories of internationalization of enterprises. Methods: Logical and comparative analysis, method of grouping, the method of deduction. Results: Definitions of the economic category "internationalization of enterprises" have been systemized and on their basis a new interpretation of the concept of internationalization of enterprises has been suggested. The basic theories of internationalization have been investigated, generalized and classified into five groups based on the main factors of internationalization. Conclusions: Decision-making on internationalization of enterprises should be guided by the provisions of the basic theories of internationalization in order to achieve competitive advantages in foreign markets.

Key words: internationalization, theory of internationalization of enterprises, classification, strategy, strategic management.



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Information about the authors:


Ilchuk P. H. Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Finances Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.


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